Saturday, 27 November 2010

IMPORTANT: Bing News RSS feed has moved! (LONDON LAW)

IMPORTANT: Bing News RSS feed has moved!
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Web 2.0 Social Networking, Professional Networking, Microblogging, Blogging, Online Dating/Matrimonial - PR Inside
Ways of communication has undergone sea change in past two decades. With the advent of cheap electronic communication and technical devices we have more collaboration, social interaction, personalization, active participation and communication itself than

Is Facebook a homewrecker? - YAHOO!
According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, 81 percent of its members report that evidence from social networking sites has figured in their divorce cases over the last five years. That's a "high number of married miscreants." Maybe it really

Rev. to NJ church leaders: Thou shalt not Facebook - YAHOO!
If your spouse won't give you his or her password, you've got a problem." The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers says 81 percent of its members have used or been faced with evidence plucked from Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other social networking

S.D. lawyer heads national group - Sioux City Journal
RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) — The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers said Rapid City lawyer Linda Lea (lee) Viken (VY'-ken) has been elected president of the national group. More than 1,600 divorce and family law attorneys belong to the organization

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