Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Thai court drops legal case against ruling party - Philadelphia Daily News (LONDON LAW)

Thai court drops legal case against ruling party - Philadelphia Daily News
BANGKOK - Thailand's ruling Democrat Party survived a legal challenge Monday that could have seen it dissolved and a new government formed after the Constitutional Court dismissed a charge that it misused an election fund. The court ruled the case brought
Source: www.philly.com

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Source: api.bing.com

French Retiree Unveils Picasso 'Treasure Trove' -- But Is It Legal? - YAHOO!
Talk about a shock. A retired electrician from southern France has broken 40 years of silence to reveal he owns 271 previously unknown art works by Pablo Picasso - and as a result now finds himself charged by the painter's estate for illegal possession of
Source: news.yahoo.com

Legal Fight Lengthens Over Fremont Law - Yankton Daily Press
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A federal judge has given lawyers for both sides more time to file briefs in the legal battle over Fremont’s ordinance barring renting to or hiring illegal immigrants. Fremont voters approved the ordinance in June, and it was
Source: yankton.net

Gay rights group donates legal documents to Yale - The Sun News
NEW HAVEN, Conn. -- A Boston-based group is donating 30 years' worth of documents to Yale University that chart the legal campaign for gay rights in New England. Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders has pursued gay civil rights throughout the region since
Source: www.thesunnews.com

U.S. turns up the legal heat over WikiLeaks - Houston Chronicle
WASHINGTON — Striking back, the Obama administration branded the WikiLeaks release of more than a quarter-million sensitive files an attack on the United States Monday and raised the prospect of criminal prosecutions in connection with the exposure. The
Source: www.chron.com

Legal Aid Society Elects Cadwalader's Gregory A. Markel to the Board of Directors - MSN Money
NEW YORK , Nov. 29, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Gregory A. Markel , partner and co-chair of the Litigation Department at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, was elected to the Legal Aid Society's Board of Directors at the Society's 134th Annual meeting on
Source: articles.moneycentral.msn.com

Paragon Legal Answers Growing Demand With New Vice President of Client and Attorney - MSN Money
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 30 , 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Paragon Legal , one of the nation's fastest growing alternative law firms, today announced it has appointed Gregory D. Wong, Esq. as vice president of client and attorney development. Paragon provides senior
Source: articles.moneycentral.msn.com

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