Monday, 30 August 2010

Free legal assistance hot line in the state helps more than 500 since May - WREG (LONDON LEGAL)

Free legal assistance hot line in the state helps more than 500 since May - WREG

Free legal assistance hot line in the state helps more than 500 since May
(AP) — A free legal assistance hot line to help flood victims has provided services to more than 500 Tennesseans since May. More than 200 lawyers in the ...

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Columbia looks ahead to satellite campus after bitter legal battle - CU Columbia Spectator

Columbia looks ahead to satellite campus after bitter legal battle
CU Columbia Spectator
Shortly after, Sprayregen and the Singhs filed lawsuits challenging ESDC's determination, and since then, the battle has wound its way through the legal ...

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Teen arrest video at center of a legal battle - Houston Chronicle

Teen arrest video at center of a legal battle
Houston Chronicle
The Houston Chronicle has asked a federal judge not to block the release of a videotape of the alleged beating of a teen who surrendered ...


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