Why We Lose if LOST Wins, UN jurisdiction over U.S. territorial waters
Law Of The Sea Treaty = The Rape of America
The Obama Administration has dragged the Law of the Sea Treaty back before the US Senate this week.
The treaty, if approved by the Senate will amount to the rape of America.
Here’s what the Center for Security Policy has to say about the Law Of The Sea Treaty: “If, on the other hand, the members of the U.S. Senate trouble themselves to study, or at least read, the text of the Law of the Sea Treaty, they would immediately see it for what it really is: a diplomatic dinosaur, a throwback to a bygone era when UN negotiations were dominated by communists of the Soviet Union and their fellow-travelers in the Third World.
These adversaries’ agenda was transparent and wholly inimical to American equities. They sought to: establish control over 70% of the world’s surface; create an international governing institution that would serve as a model for bringing nation states like ours to heel; and redistribute the planet’s wealth and technology from the developed world to themselves. LOST codifies such arrangements – and would subject us to mandatory dispute resolution to enforce them via stacked-deck adjudication panels.” SOURCE.
Still, many, if not MOST, Americans have never heard of it—the Law Of The Sea Treaty.
So why is it important?
OK, let’s look at some reasons why the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) is important to you as an American and to all inhabitants of the earth:
Why We Lose if LOST Wins
By asserting UN authority over seven-tenths of the Earth’s surface, LOST would be the largest territorial conquest in history.
In principle, the treaty would assert UN jurisdiction over U.S. territorial waters, and eventually over waterways within our country.
It would create a huge bureaucratic entity called the “Enterprise” which would regulate and tax all commercial uses of the high seas.
By taxing all efforts to develop the wealth of the seabed, the UN would be given a huge revenue stream, independent of national governments, to push its agenda for international socialism.
The treaty would require the redistribution of cutting-edge technology from the U.S. to all governments in the “developing world,” including extremely repressive governments.
Get the picture??? It’s that cussed “One World Government thing again! (Otherwise known as “Global Governance) You know… the “GLOBALISTS” at work.
Apparatchiks from the Obama Administration will trudge over to the US Senate this week to sing the praises of LOST. They will applaud it and explain to the Senators that it is the best thing since the US Constitution for America, indeed, for the whole world.
It will be a pack of lies.
So, where do we stand today on LOST? Not good, I’m afraid.
The National Center for Public Policy Research has a website providing educational resources on the Law of the Sea Treaty (also known by the acronyms LOST and UNCLOS).
“The Law of the Sea Treaty is a terrible deal for the U.S. It would threaten our sovereignty, place a significant portion of the world’s resources under the control of a U.N.-style body, and complicate our efforts to apprehend terrorists on the high seas by subjecting our actions to review by an international court unlikely to render decisions favorable to the U.S.,” said National Center Vice President David Ridenour.
“The Law of the Sea Treaty would help radical environmentalists achieve what they haven’t been able to achieve through legislation,” Ridenour added. “Greenpeace has said ‘the benefits of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea are substantial, including its basic duties for states to protect and preserve the marine environment and to conserve marine living species.’ The Natural Resources Defense Council challenged the Navy’s use of ‘intense active sonar,’ arguing that it violates the treaty by posing a danger to marine life. The Navy ultimately agreed to scale back use of this technology. The Law of the Sea Treaty has also been used by Australia and New Zealand in an attempt to shut down an experimental blue fin tuna fishing program and by Ireland in an attempt to shut down a plant on land in England”
The website, the United National Law of the Sea Treaty Information Center, contains a collection of research papers, commentaries and blog entries about LOST from a variety of think-tanks, scholars, opinion writers and bloggers. It can be accessed at: unlawoftheseatreaty.org.
“Although the Law of the Sea Treaty has been around for decades—the National Center for Public Policy Research first worked on it in 1982—relatively few people know much about it,” said Amy Ridenour, president of the National Center for Public Policy Research. “The United Nations Law of the Sea Treaty Information Center website is designed to help correct this.”
The National Center for Public Policy Research is a non-partisan, non-profit educational foundation based in Washington, D.C.
It is more important now then ever before to contact your senators and urge them to oppose the Law of the Sea Treaty.
Look. This Law Of The Sea Treaty is serious socialist, global governance, trickery! And NOBODY IS Talking ABOUT IT! Of course, we cannot expect the so-called “Mainstream Media” in America to bring it up, being so deep in the bunker for Obama, that is. The near incestuous relationship between the MsM and Obama prevents them from actually informing their readers, listeners, and viewers, of important, pending, life-changing policy being considered in the nation’s legislature.
We urge you to educate yourself about the Law Of The Sea Treaty—and do so quickly.
In the meantime, however, we suggest that you get on the phone, or send an e-mail or fax to the offices of your US Senators and ask them to vote NO on the Law Of The Sea Treaty.
Every so often, we get a chance to use our constitutional rights for good. This is one of those times.
Source: www.canadafreepress.com
Sussex Police announce review on controversial forced retirement rules (From The Argus) - The Argus.co.uk
Sussex Police announce review on controversial forced retirement rules
10:05am Wednesday 23rd May 2012 in News By Rebecca Evans
Long-serving police officers facing forced retirement could be spared under new proposals. Sussex Police will recommend to the Sussex Police Authority that rules which force officers to take compulsory retirement after 30 years service be withdrawn from September.
Thirty new officers will also be recruited at the beginning of next year it was announced today. The controversial rule – Police Regulation A19 – was introduced last year as the force looked to make £52 million of cuts by 2015.
Commander of Brighton and Hove Chief Superintendent Graham Bartlett was among the 53 officers who would have been forced to retire if the rules had remained in place for the coming year.
Critics, including crime writer Peter James, said the rule meant the loss of the most experienced officers in the force and was a waste of the investment in years of training. Marion Fanthorpe, director of human resources, said because of savings made elsewhere Sussex Police has reduced the number of officer posts it needs to axe from 500 to 400.
Staff posts have also been reduced from 550 to 450.
She said: “It is with regret that we have had to lose a number of excellent officers, however it has been crucial for us to be able to make the necessary level of savings needed by 2015, given the rates of natural turnover of police officers.
"Along with faster than expected progress on making savings, we have also found higher levels of savings from areas other than direct post reductions than we originally anticipated.
"In light of this progress Sussex Police is proposing to the SPA that the force is in a financial position to end the use of regulation A19 from end of September 2012.
"We still have a long way to go to find all the savings we need, however it is good that we are now in a position to take these two positive steps."
The new officers will be selected from 98 candidates Sussex Police has kept in a recruitment pool.
They are expected to start by May next year.
Source: www.theargus.co.uk
Kent Police to tackle anti-social behaviour in Medway - Kent News
Chrissie Daniels
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
10:03 AM
Police received complaints from residents
Kent Police has introduced two new weapons in the fight against anti-social behaviour in Medway following complaints from residents.
The dispersal zones allow police to split up groups of potentially troublesome youths gathering in the areas.
The 24 hour zones, in the Liberty Park and Twydall Green areas of Medway will come into effect on June 1 until August 31.
The orders will give police officers, police community support officers (PCSOs) and Medway Council enforcement officers the authority to disperse groups of two or more people and tell those who do not live in the area to leave and not return for up to 24 hours.
Anyone who refuses or breaches the notice can be arrested and jailed for three months and/or fined up to £2,500.
The dispersal notice is a temporary measure and will cover a number of roads within the two areas.
The Liberty Park notice includes Weymouth Road, Sword Grove, Juno Way, Omaha Place, Gold Drive, Glimmer Way, Utah Rise and the green space adjacent to Utah Rise.
The Twydall Green zone will include Twydall Green and some rear access roads. It will also cover Benenden Manor and Harbledown Manor.
The decision to introduce the notices comes after an increase in reports of anti social behaviour.
The Community Safety Partnership, which includes the council, police and ward PCSOs have increased their presence and are carrying out house visits to those who have been identified as acting in an anti-social way around the area.
Cllr Mike O’Brien, Medway Council’s portfolio holder for community safety and customer contact and chair of the Community Safety Partnership, said: “These dispersal zones have been introduced after taking the concerns and needs of our residents into serious consideration.
“By giving officers the power to disperse groups that may be causing a problem, we want to be able to help reduce community tensions and show residents that we are responding to their needs.
“The Community Safety Partnership will not allow the actions of a minority to blight the lives of the law abiding majority and I am confident this step will help us to improve the quality of life for residents in these areas.”
Rachel Adams, Medway police commander and vice chair of the Community Safety Partnership said: “The dispersal orders form part of a number of enforcement tactics being used by Medway Police to tackle anti-social behaviour in these identified areas.
“The local neighbourhood teams are attending all incidents of anti-social behaviour and take responsibility for looking at options and solutions for long term problem solving within their local communities, in conjunction with our colleagues from Medway Council. We will deal robustly with the minority of individuals who persist in disrupting the lives of people within their community and where appropriate, prosecute them for relevant offences.”
Dispersal notice posters highlighting the designated areas will be placed in the two zones.
Source: www.kentnews.co.uk
Sussex Police plans to scrap compulsory retirement policy - The Independent

Chelsea Flower Show 2012: Inside Diarmuid Gavin’s magic pyramid
You've got to love Diarmuid Gavin. Whatever he does, it's usually bigger, bolder and madder than any...
Source: www.independent.co.uk
Minister opens East Kent Access Road - Kent Online

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East Kent Access Road during construciton, from Minster to Pegwell
An £86m road is to be officially opened today by local transport minister Norman Baker.
The front bencher will join Kent County Council leader Paul
Carter and South Thanet MP Laura Sandys to officially open the East
Kent Access Road.
Its completion aims to help support economic growth and create jobs
across the eastern part of the county.
It also means better transport links to such sites as Manston
Airport; the Discovery Park on the former Pfizer
site, Eurokent - a mixed-use site - and Manston Business
Eurokent and Manston business parks are joint initiatives
between Kent County Council and Thanet District Council that have
the potential to deliver 550 homes and 4,000 jobs.
The new road was built by Kent County Council with £81.25 million
funding from the Department for Transport and £5.75 million from
Tuesday, May 22 2012
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hsdeal wrote:
Great news... now we just need Thanet Council to ignore the NIMBYs and back Manston.
23 May 2012 9:22 AM
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